Why An Advertorial Can Be A Powerful Tool In Your Marketing Toolbox
No one likes to be sold to.
No one really likes sales letters.
But give someone some great information that helps them solve a problem . . . or at least see a possible solution in the near distance . . .
Lace this up in a newsworthy story . . . with reported crowds of excited people who cannot say enough about good things about the product . . .
And you’ve got a selling machine that people won’t even notice is selling to them.
That’s a good advertorial.
Because as Claude Hopkins, the grandfather of copywriting describes it, with this kind of approach, you are serving your customers instead of selling to them.
Applying The Advertorial Insights Of The Masters
The late Gary Halbert – perhaps the greatest marketer and copywriter ever – refined the advertorial into a fine art of salesmanship that was almost impossible to resist.
His proteges Doberman Dan Galapoo, Caleb O’Dowd and Scott Haines have gone on to teach his approach to advertorials with their own unique experience and take on them.
And I’ve learned from each of them.
Put An Advertorial To Work For You – Online Or Off
If you’re looking for a powerful way to promote your business, consider creating an advertorial. Also known as native advertising, it’s become an increasingly effective source of leads and even sales online as people’s sales radars have gotten more sensitive.
But don’t forget offline . . .
With the swing of advertising dollars to online venues, newspapers and magazines are scrambling for advertisers. Consequently, they offer extremely affordable rates.
And if you think newspapers and magazines are not viable, consider this:
Like many print forms of advertising they have staying power and attention-holding power that is hard to match online.
Better yet, if you’re in the health business, newspaper readers tend to fit your ideal demographic to a tee . . . the over 50 crowd. As O’Dowd attests, most of them are “red-hot” buyers when it comes to health products.
Let’s make advertorials work for your business.
Send me an email and we can set up an initial phone call to discuss your marketing plan and assess if this would make sense for your business.
Send me an email for your FREE introductory problem-solving consultation. (30 minutes).