This Website Works for You – To Help You Make the Most of Your Natural Health Marketing . . .
I am working hard to make this website a real resource for businesses, marketers and copywriters tapping into the health marketplace . . . a useful tool for people selling natural health books, alternative health devices, nutritional supplements, nutritional ingredients or services . . .
Looking for some good health marketing guidance?
Check out the Copywriting Courses I Recommend. Here I include a list of courses, books, resources, etc. that I personally recommend (including my own ebook, edited by Bob Bly, “Writing Irresistible Copy For Nutritional Supplements“)
Check out the Marketing Tools And Resources I Recommend. Here I list all the “construction supplies” I use to build my own websites as well as a treasure trove of offline and online marketing resources.
Check out my archived articles from my e-newsletter Healthy Copy Ideas. (And if you’re not subscribed yet, sign up and get a free report. )
Confused about FDA and FTC requirements when it comes to health marketing?
It’s tricky navigating the regulations when it comes to marketing supplements. Check out my list of FDA/FTC info for nutritional supplement copywriting.
Looking for some good links for researching a product, ingredient or niche market?
I’ve scoured the web and found all kinds of research treasure chests. Check out my natural health copywriting/marketing links page.
And don’t leave without getting at least one of my free chock-full-of-info reports on health marketing . . .
18 Health Copywriting Tactics for a Tough Economy
I’ll admit – I wrote this a few years ago. But the content is timeless. In fact, Dan Kennedy has pointed to it as a great piece of marketing advice. He even sent it to a few of his clients when he referred them to my copywriting services!
Take a look at this report and I guarantee you’ll find at least a few ways you can makes some changes to your marketing that will help you defy the trend towards doom and gloom.
5 Internet Marketing Mistakes . . . And How To Fix Them For Online Success!
I’m amazed how many websites I work on that continue to neglect the tenets covered in this report. They are simple and foundational when it comes to creating a website that works hard for your business.
It covers one of the big FDA controversies of this day and age. Plus, it’s fun to read.
Turn Your White Papers and Websites into a Recession-Busting Dynamic Duo
No B2B website should go without this powerful pair. B2B marketing is all about generating leads and nurturing them. This report lays out how to get that long sales funnel going . . .
But even more importantly, it offers key insights into making each piece of this process work optimally. If you’re a B2B marketer, looking to generate more hot leads, you don’t want to skip this report.